A downloadable game

Parrot Shooting Frenzy

Where the jungle is abundant, local tribes have one great desire: parrot feathers. A FPS mini game in development where you shoot parrots (cubes) with blow darts collecting points, and their famous feathers. 

This has been developed further from Jungle Parrot Shooter v2 which I created previously.  https://regiunity3779.itch.io/jungle-parrot-shooter-v2 


-Left click to shoot dart

New features

-Parrots have been created and animated in Blender and incoperated into the game

Future development plans

- Object Pooling system is near completion and currently to sort out bugs.

- Add accessibility setting such as changing target colour and size to enable better visibility for red-green colour blindness.



Install instructions

Click the download link to go to the Unity Play site